GreenICT - initiated projects

To fulfill its mission, the GreenICT foundation initiates and coaches scientific research.
Projects initiated by the foundation are:

An InnovativeTruth III

An Innovative Truth III - Sustainable ICT and Energy Conference - 22 June 2011 Beatrix Theatre Utrecht

On wednesday 22 June 2011 the ICT Innovation Platform (IIP) for Sustainable ICT and GreenICT foundation will organize An InnovativeTruth III - Sustainable ICT & Energy Conference - at the Beatrix Theatre in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
An InnovativeTruth III will be made possible by a joint financial contribution of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Technology Foundation STW and Agentschap NL.

An InnovativeTruth II

An Innovative Truth II - Congres over duurzame ICT en Energie - 15 september 2010 BeatrixTheater Utrecht

Het ICT Innovatie Platform Duurzame ICT en Stichting GreenICT organiseren op woensdag 15 september 2010 An InnovativeTruth II een activerend congres ter bevordering van Duurzame ICT en Energie in het Beatrix Theater te Utrecht.
An InnovativeTruth II is een initiatief van Stichting GreenICT en wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door een financiële bijdrage van ICTRegie. lees meer

The BiOPOF project

BiOPOF project

The BiOPOF project is a co-operation of the Dutch Polymer Institute, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Eindhoven University of Technology and the GreenICT foundation. The project concerns research in the field of biobased polymer optical fibre.

The RemiND project

RemiND project

The RemiND project unites the forces of, among others, Delft University of Technology, University of Twente and Eindhoven University of Technology to create a solution for dealing with the subject of possible biological effects caused by electromagnetic fields (EMF) in a preventive and constructive way. Besides studying different (types of) sources and their possible health risks, aimed achievements will be:

  • reduction of (possible harmful) electromagnetic fields by optimizing (in-house) ICT networks
  • reduction of power consumption (substantial saving of energy)
  • reduction of interference between infrastructure/hardware/equipment/machines etc.

(and temporary in Dutch:)

An InnovativeTruth

An Innovative Truth - Sustainable ICT & Energy Conference - 22 June 2009 Beatrix Theatre Utrecht

On Monday, 22 June 2009 the Ministry of Economic Affairs and GreenICT Foundation organized the conference An InnovativeTruth, an interactive conference to promote energy efficiency within and through sustainable ICT. The subject of the conference was Sustainable ICT & Energy. The conference is also as a run-up to the WCIT 2010, during which ICT & Energy will be one of the thematic pillars. The program offers three plenary keynote presentations by EU Commissioner Vivian Reding, Harry Hendriks (CEO Philips Benelux) and Frank Heemskerk (State Secretary, Ministry of Economic Affairs), and also includes workshop sessions and a plenary debate between representatives of Science, Government and ICT Industry/Business (supply and demand). The chairman of the day wass Mark Frequin, Director-General for Energy and Telecom, Ministry of Economic Affairs.

An InnovativeTruth is an initiative of GreenICT - foundation for sustainable ICT and was made possible through a financial contribution from the Ministry of Economic Affairs read more

ICT Innovation Platform Sustainable ICT

ICT Innovation Platform Sustainable ICT

Het ICT Innovation Platform Sustainable ICT (IIP Duurzame ICT) is een open samenwerkingsverband tussen onderzoekers, bedrijven, maatschappelijke instellingen en gebruikers. Het beoogt duurzaamheid in en door informatie- en communicatietechnologie te stimuleren en te bevorderen onder meer door het gezamenlijk ontwikkelen van een op thema's gebaseerde strategische onderzoeksagenda. Men kan hierbij denken aan onderwerpen zoals bijvoorbeeld energie-efficiency, recycling, duurzame software, innovatief materiaalgebruik, en (standaarden voor) duurzame (draadloze) netwerkinfrastructuren en -componenten.
Het ICT Innovatie Platform IIP Duurzame ICT is een initiatief van Stichting GreenICT
